Share the Road: Minimum 10% Finance for Safety, Sustainability and Accessibility

UNEP on NMT roads This project focuses on road infrastructure and its role in sustainable urban transportation. The project's guiding principle is taken from a report of the Commission for Global Road Safety, which says, "...At a minimum 10% of all road infrastructure projects should be committed to road safety. This principle should be rigorously and consistently applied by all bilateral and multilateral donors." The project targets the financing community to help catalyze change at the local and national levels. The end goal is that a dedicated percentage of road building and maintanance funds will be put aside for safety, cycling, and walking facilities--improving road safety while reducing emissions and reducing poverty. The Road Design and Finance for Safety, Sustainability and Accessibility is funded by the FIA Foundation and by the UN Environment Programme (UNEP).

For more information visit UNEP's website!

Participate in UNEP's Roadside View Competition!
Take photographs and video footage of your daily commute and the conditions you face in terms of safety, congestion, and sharing road space with other users!
The best image will be displayed on the front page of the Global Guidance Document to be launched at the First Global Ministerial Conference on Road Safety, in November 2009, Moscow.

Click here to download a Flyer
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